Lil Ripp Did Big Things At Hometown Show
Lil Ripp made it! The lineup was dope with King Leez, Clem Rishad, Cally Reed, :30 Gang, LROC, and More. This was a show to be...

Lil Ripp Host Fly N Flashy Fridays
Lil Ripp is Hosting Fly N Flashhy Fridays at The Town Tonight 10/2/2015 6409 6th AveTacoma, Washington

A 17-year run in the music industry is almost unheard of. There are so many new people coming into Tacoma that their knowledge of the...
OFMG Welcomes Lil Ripp
OFMG Welcomes Lil Ripp to it's very talented roster of artist. Lil Ripp, is a HipHop artist from Tacoma, WA, which is a small town in the...